
When to Change Your Heat Pump

Posted by ISO Energy on 16th November 2022 -


A heat pump works hard to keep you warm and cool when you need it, but nothing lasts forever, so at some point you will have to consider a replacement.

 How well a heat pump is serviced and maintained will make a big difference to the life expectancy but so will other factors, such as the weather in your area, the location, and the type of heat pump. On average, a heat pump will last for 15 years depending on the factors mentioned above. However, a ground source heat pump can be expected to last around 25 years and the ground array even longer.

A heat pump over 10 years old can presumed to be less efficient, but regular proactive maintenance will greatly benefit your heat pump. For example, the difference between a well-maintained heat pump and an unmaintained one varies in energy consumption from 10% to 25%.

Certain parts of the maintenance routine can be carried out by the owner, such as cleaning the filters, but more technical aspects of the maintenance should be done by an engineer. At isoenergy, we usually recommend an expert service engineer to visit once a year for a standard unit. For RHI (Renewable Heat Incentive) funded systems, regular maintenance is required as part of the terms and conditions of funding. It can be dangerous to work with mains voltage and chemical refrigerants, so always call out an engineer for technical maintenance.

There comes a time when the heat pump stops operating effectively, and a replacement is required. Here are some signs to signals to look out for.

6 Signs your heat pump needs replacing:

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Joe Hannan

The UK's most experienced consultants and installers of renewable energy systems.

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