Residential development site for sale in Martock

The Avenue, Kingsbury Episcopi, Nr. Martock, Somerset, TA12 6BE
For sale
POAOffers Invited
This property is marketed by:
Greenslade Taylor Hunt

Residential development site with resolution to grant outline planning permission, subject to completion of the Section 106 Agreement. This is for the erection of up to 25no. dwellings, together with associated infrastructure works


  • Residential development site for up to 25no. dwellings, together with associated infrastructure works.
  • Offers are invited on an unconditional basis.
  • Deadline for submission of offers Friday, 25th October 2024.


The site is located on the north-eastern side of Kingsbury Episcopi. It is accessed off The Avenue to the south, which is a no-through road. It is abutted to the north by agricultural land; Norton Lane to the west; residential dwellings to the east; and residential dwellings and The Avenue to the south. The site comprises agricultural land. It extends, in total, to approximately 0.95-hectares (2.34-acres), including the access. The site that is being offered for sale is shown outlined in red on the site plan. It is shown for identification purposes only and is not to be relied upon.


An outline planning application (OPA) (application number: 21/00503/OUT) was submitted to, and validated by, SSDC on the 12th February 2021. This was for the erection of up to 25no. dwellings, demolition of single storey extension to No. 18 and rearrangement of the estate road to facilitate access between No. 18 and No. 19 The Avenue. All matters are reserved, with the exception of access. The Planning Committee resolved to grant permission on 27th August 2024, subject to completion of the Section 106 Agreement. The extension has now been removed. 


The proposed residential development scheme (PRDS) comprises of up to 25no. dwellings, together with associated infrastructure works.  Illustrative Site Layout Plan N Note:- Published for the purposes of identification only and although believed to be correct accuracy is not guaranteed. Not to scale.   Of these dwellings, 65% (approximately 17no.) will be open market and 35% (8no.) will be affordable. Of the affordable dwellings, 5no. are to be social rented and 3no. first homes. The housing mix will be set out in the Section 106 Agreement. The scheme will be accessed from The Avenue to the south of the site. This will require the creation of a new junction. The existing access is via Norton Drove, which is to the east of the site. 

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