Excellent development site for 2 detached dwellings | Elevated position with views back towards Launceston | Access via shared drive with unrestricted right of way to be granted | High demand location for end users | Suitable for family sized detached dwellings | Walking distance to local facilities | Further plot for 9 also available.
The plots are situated in a quiet area of the town served by a network of traditional country lanes, yet within easy walking distance of the social, commercial and shopping facilities of Launceston.
The town sits astride the A30 dual carriageway spine road for Cornwall and Devon, on the Cornwall/Devon border. The town enjoys a good balance of travel distant to all parts of the two counties. East of Launceston, Exeter (42 miles) provides intercity rail link, M5 motorway link and international airport. To the south of Launceston, Plymouth (28 miles) provides continental ferry port and intercity rail link.
In all directions from Launceston there is unspoilt countryside of outstanding natural beauty. To the north, the rugged North Cornish coast famed for popular family surfing beaches. To the west are the open spaces of Bodmin Moor ideal for walking and riding.
Prime site for 2 detached family sized 3 bedroom (2 ensuite) houses in popular location, close to the town’s amenities. An ideal elevated position with great views back towards the town with high end user demand. A further large site adjoining this for 9 houses is also available with details available on request.
Conditional Planning consent was granted on 11th July 2023 by Cornwall County Council under cover of application number PA23/03923. Proposed Dwellings in Rear Garden of Dunheved View. The advisers who assisted the applicant were AJ Design, 16 Treburley Close, Treburley, Launceston, Tel: 01579 370567
Please note that the proposed development will be liable for a charge under the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Regulations 2010 (as amended). The amount of the liability will be calculated when the related reserved matters application is determined. Further information about CIL is available at www.cornwall.gov.uk/cil.
Prospective purchasers must verify availability for any mains services required and the costs of connection of such services, for themselves.
The conditional consent was subject to 4 conditions, briefly summarised below. The full conditions can be seen on request.
1. The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of 3 years from the date of this permission.
2. The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the plans listed below under the heading "Plans Referred to in Consideration of this Application".
3. No development approved by this permission shall be commenced until details of a scheme for the provision of surface water management has been submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority.
The details shall include:
a. A description of the foul and surface water drainage systems operation.
b. Details of the final drainage schemes including calculations and layout.
c. Details of how surface water will be managed during construction phase.
d. A plan indicating the provisions for exceedance pathways, overland flow routes and proposed detention features.
e. Confirmation of who will maintain the drainage systems and a plan for the future management and maintenance, including responsibilities for the drainage systems and overland flow routes. The plan must include a drawing which clearly indicates the management responsibility for each drainage element, and schedule of maintenance. The Developer must inform the Local Planning Authority of any variation from the details provided and agree these in writing before such variations are undertaken. Discharge from the site should not exceed 1 l/s for all rainfall events.
4. Prior to the first occupation of the dwelling(s) hereby approved the bird box(s)/bee brick(s) shall be installed in accordance with the details indicated on drawing numbers MP21 1220-06A (PROPOSED ELEVATIONS) and MP21 1220- 07A (PROPOSED ELEVATIONS NO2 SIDE) and shall thereafter be retained maintained as such.
The land plan displayed is for indicative purposes only and should not be relied upon as an accurate depiction of precise boundaries.
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