Development property for sale in Honiton

Dunkeswell, Honiton, Devon, EX14 4UR
For sale
This property is marketed by:
Greenslade Taylor Hunt

A development opportunity benefiting from conditional planning permission granted on 21 February 2022 for the replacement of the existing agricultural building with .

A 10 bay steel portal framed agricultural building (Approx 19.50m x 45.90m) with profile roof sheeting and Yorkshire boarding. The property benefits from conditional planning permission granted on 21 February 2022 for the replacement of the existing agricultural building with 5x live-work units. The full application can be found under planning reference 21/1497/FUL. Further details are available from the selling agents.


The site is shown shaded red on the accompanying plan and extends in total to approximately 1.57 acres.



The property will be accessed via a right of way as shown hatched brown on the accompanying plan.



Conditional planning permission was granted on 21 February 2022 under reference 21/1497/FUL. A condition of the permission is that the approved building shall be used for live / work residential and office purposes only. Further details are available from the EDDC planning website or from the selling agents.



The liability notice confirms that £32,321.40 of Community Infrastructure Levy is payable to East Devon as CIL collecting authority on commencement of development of planning permission 21/1497/FUL.