The site is well located just behind King Street with a wide range of amenities within walking distance.
Kirkcudbright - 9.5 miles
Dumfries – 18 miles
Carlisle – 52 miles
Situated in the heart of Castle Douglas, the site is in an ideal location for residential or commercial development. The town services the wider area and is also a popular tourist stop off point.
Access is taken directly from Church Street in Castle Douglas
For the users of Satellite Navigation please use postcode DG7 1DA.
The site was previously a bakery and has now been demolished. It is well located less than 25metres off the busy King Street which hosts a wide arrange of shops and amenities. Castle Douglas is a popular market town with supermarkets, medical facilities and schools which is serviced by the major transport link A75.
The land has had a pre application advisory board report which has stated that the officers would support the proposal of 6 new dwellings subject to conditions being met.
The property could lend itself to commercial use subject to relevant permissions. The land hatched green is available by way of separate negotiation.
Mineral Rights
To the extent they are included within the vendor’s title.
Grierson Dunlop
Turcan Connell
Princess Exchange
1 Earl Grey Street
A deposit of 10% of the purchase price will be payable on conclusion of missives. This will be nonrefundable in the event of the transaction failing to reach completion for reasons not attributable to the vendors or their agents.
Local Authority
Dumfries and Galloway Council,
109-115 English Street,
DG1 2DD.
A Pre Application Advisory Report has been provided by Dumfries and Galloway planning department. A copy of this can be provided upon request.There are adjacent commercial properties on King Street which may available to purchase by way of separate negotiation.
By strict appointment with the Selling Agents.
Date of Entry
By mutual agreement.
Important Notes
Closing Dates
A closing date may be fixed. Prospective purchasers who have notified their interest through solicitors to the selling agents, in writing, will be advised of any closing date, unless the property has been sold previously. The seller is not bound to accept the highest or any offer, or to go to a closing date.
Formal offers, in the acceptable Scottish form should be submitted, along with the relevant money laundering paperwork in accordance with The Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing and Transfer of Funds (Information on the Payer) Regulations 2017, through a Scottish Solicitor, to the Selling Agent.
Third Party Rights and Servitudes
The subjects are sold together with and subject to all existing rights of way, servitudes, wayleaves and others, whether contained in the Title Deeds or otherwise, and purchasers will be deemed to have satisfied themselves in all respects thereof.
PARTICULARS AND MISREPRESENTATION – These particulars are produced for the guidance of prospective purchasers and although they are intended to give a fair description of the property they do not constitute or form any part of an offer or contract. Intending purchasers must satisfy themselves by inspection or otherwise. Any measurements or distances referred to should be considered as approximate. No responsibility can be accepted for any expenses incurred by intending purchasers in inspecting a property that has been sold or withdrawn.
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